
Since 2004, FLOSSmole collects and redistributes public data about free, libre, and open source software (FLOSS) projects in multiple formats for anyone to download. We also integrate donated data from other research teams and provide a community for researchers to discuss public data about FLOSS development. FLOSSmole contains multiple terabytes of data collected from dozens of online code forges between 2004-now. This includes data about more than a million different open source projects and their developers. The web site includes some of the sample graphical visualizations that have been made with the data. The web site also includes database schema models, a bug database, a wiki of changes to the database and bugs as they have been fixed.


Megan Squire (msquire@elon.edu), Elon University. We also have a user and developer mailing list (located here: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=119453) and a blog (located at http://flossmole.org). To see how FLOSS data has been used in the literature from a variety of disciplines, we host over 1200 papers on FLOSShub in our bibliography database (http://flosshub.org/biblio).